Tag Archives: women

Nia: Facets of Love

photo credits: Kathy Kochevar & Kathryn Wright

February 14th
Sunday 12:30-1:30p

Ladies Workout Express
2865 North Druid Hills Road
(Toco Hill Shopping Center next to Bagel Palace)
Atlanta GA 30329

Explore the many facets of love through music and movement during this special Nia class. Nia (nee-ah) is the most fun way to connect body, mind & spirit, all while giving your heart a pleasurable work-out. The Nia Technique was developed as a radical alternative to high impact fitness and is pleasure based food for all aspects of your being. Nia is a synergistic blend of dance, martial arts and healing arts set intuitively to engaging music. The simultaneous movements improve coordination and create new communication between your brain and nervous systems (neuropathways). Nia’s loose structure allows room for individual creativity and vocalization and is an amped outlet to express a range of emotions from one moment to the next. Each deliciously edgy session warms the body from within, bringing you to a cardio work-out, then completes with cooling and grounding movements. You’ll finished feeling relaxed, yet rejuvenated and powerful!


♥ Suggested Barefoot – for full use, stability and mobility of the “hands that touch the earth”
♥ Wear what feels beautiful and allows you to move freely
♥ Please bring water for maximum hydration
♥ Note: this class is at a women-only facility

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Filed under Movement

Dance of the Shadows – a Movement Playshop Embracing the Mysteries Within

Join us for this incredibly fun, dance and movement Nia playshop led by Tamara Albright and featuring live DJ – Soma Jaya! As the days become shorter, the hours of darkness slowly increase. We are now transitioning into the season of shadows, and with it, an opportunity to delve deeply within.

Many women within the community experience pressure to “put on a happy face” and behave a specific way in their daily lives. While positivity, kindness and joy have their beautiful qualities, women are complex beings and experience a plethora of emotions beyond those of love and light. During this lively playshop we will dance, kick, block, howl, hiss and growl (just to name a few) – allowing the many aspects of our shadow selves to emote, express and be embraced.

You’re invited to dress in costume or however you enjoy expressing yourself. The most important thing is that it feels good to you and that you are able to move around freely upright and on the floor. We will dance barefooted to connect to the stability of the earth and utilize the agility of our feet. Please bring water for yourself to stay hydrated. *Please note this event will be held at a women only facility. Email infoatalbright-creative.com or visit Albright-Creative.com today to reserve your space in this unique and dynamic event!

October 31, 2009
Gather 3:00 pm
Unite 3:15 pm
Depart 4:30 pm
$25 per person

Ladies Workout Express
2865 North Druid Hills Road
(Toco Hills Shopping Center, next to Bagel Palace)
Atlanta, GA 30329


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Filed under Movement

Free Nia Class July 11th

Are you seeking to experience more aliveness and joy in your life? Do you want to connect to the pleasure of living in your unique body? Try Nia – it Feels So Good! Nia (nee-ah) blends dance and martial arts set intuitively to engaging music. This fun and unique barefoot practice gently warms the body from within, bringing you to a cardio work-out, then ends with cooling stretches. Nia is safe and adaptable for all ages and abilities. You’ll finished feeling, relaxed yet rejuvenated! Wear what feels beautiful and allows you to move freely and bring water to stay hydrated. Prepare to have lots of fun and experience the spice of life. Four Atlanta teachers will be Tamara Albright, Erica Saffron, Sandy Bramlett and Maja will alternate leading movement in their own unique way. This opportunity to connect within and to the women of your community will kick off the start of weekly Saturday Nia classes beginning July 18th, from 9a-10a for $9 per class. Erica and Tamara will alternate teaching these weekly classes at Ladies Workout Express. Please note this is hosted at a women only facility. For more information, email: infoatalbright-creative.com or erica_saffronatyahoo.com . To find local Nia classes, visit http://www.albright-creative.com/movement-nia.html

Connect through movement and expression.

Saturday, July 11th
9a – 10a

Ladies Workout Express
2865 North Druid Hills Road
Atlanta GA 30329

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Filed under Movement