Monthly Archives: July 2009


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Originally uploaded by kamphora

“Fun is a guilt free encounter with delight that raises your IQ by inspiring you to break out of your limited self-image and ask for more than you’ve ever dared”
-Bob Brezsay


Filed under Quotes & Poems


Originally uploaded by kamphora

“Faith as it ripens turns into an almost insatiable appetite, and this awakened lion within will prowl for God in places it once feared.”
-St. John of the Cross

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Filed under Quotes & Poems

the Mutual Admiration Society

the Mutual Admiration Society

Originally uploaded by kamphora

“There is no remedy for love, but to love more.”
– Henry David Thoreau

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Filed under Expression, Natural Therapy, Quotes & Poems

Joints to Pass the Time

Numbering over 200, joints provide our bodies with mobility. They allow us to change direction, express, grasp and release. The body’s mobility is reduced when there is excessive muscle tension in the joints. Conversely, insufficient muscle tension reduces stability. With a high percentage of jobs that demand our bodies to remain sedentary, It is key to exercise and utilize our joints in a nurturing way. In doing so we insure greater mobility and stability as we age.

The three main groupings of joints are fibrous, cartilagenous and synovial. Fibrous joints are held together by only a ligament. Examples are where the teeth are held to their bony sockets. Cartilagenous joints occur where the connection between the articulating bones is made up of cartilage – as between vertebrae in the spine. Synovial joints are by far the most common classification of joint within the human body. They are highly moveable and all have a synovial capsule (collagenous structure) surrounding the entire joint, a synovial membrane (the inner layer of the capsule) which secretes synovial fluid (a lubricating liquid) and cartilage known as hyaline cartilage which pads the ends of the articulating bones. There are 6 types of synovial joints which are classified by the shape of the joint and the movement available. They are: hinge, pivot, ball and socket, saddle, condyloid and gliding.

Types of synovial joints


While high impact work-outs such as running and aerobics help release the tension built within static positions, they wreak unnecessary havoc on the joints. In Nia, we strive to create a balance within the body through steps and stances and a blend of nine movement forms including martial arts. The non-impact kicks, strikes, chops and blocks of tae kwon do during class release tension, while the methodical movements of t’ai chi gently explore the range of motion of the body’s joints. The non-impact approach of Nia makes is fun, adjustable and safe for all ages and abilities.

Since practicing Nia over the past three years, I’ve noticed my previous knee pain is non-existent and experienced improved agility, mobility and stability as well as reduced stiffness and body pain. This technique is a gift that can help our body’s condition improve over time rather than decline. To locate Atlanta area Nia classes, click on the following link: To learn more about mobility and stability check out the video below:

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Filed under Movement, Natural Therapy



Originally uploaded by kamphora

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”
-Ambrose Redmoon

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grasping the ephemeral

Originally uploaded by kamphora

“If it feels safe, it’s probably not the right path, but if it scares you, it probably is.”
– Mark Gerzon

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Filed under Quotes & Poems

What Kind of Power Trip are You on?

With multiple life lessons staring me in the face, two are at the forefront of my mind – patience and power. My neurology is screaming “RUN FOR THE HILLS!” when it’s actually in the best and highest good to stand in my power and face uncertainty with confidence and an open heart. Re-training the brain and growing myself beyond the patterns of scarcity and protection is the pathway to my personal transformation of believing I have the power (along with divine assistance) to create the life I want and the patience to allow it to unfold organically. This is a enormous undertaking, hence I’m calling in all my resources: ReUnion Kinesiology, visualization paired with bilateral stimulation, affirmations, sound and frequency therapy, surrounding myself with a like-minded support system and practicing Nia.

Nia provides many benefits to the mind, body and spirit and is a tremendous tool for practicing what it is to be patient and powerful. By psychically practicing internal skills we desire, we are able to integrate efficiently. Nia utilizes stances as a form of living meditation – the power of stillness. By holding the body in a strong and stable position, the mind is cued to believe in it’s ability to make a powerful stand. In aligning the body to reflect thought, we solidify the new skill. With a never-ending “to do” list it’s easy to miss out on divine guidance or personal insight if there’s never a pause. Nia stances create a stillness within movement. A place for power and energy to gather. A space where the yin feminine energies gather and are received from the earth through the soles of the feet. The stance is patience and power displayed in physical form.

I invite you to practice experiencing your power by allowing it to gather in stillness. Check out to find a Nia class near you. Also, check out the brief video below on stances as a living meditation.

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Filed under Expression, Movement, Natural Therapy