Tag Archives: save our pets foodbank

Pondering Doggie Style

it’s a dog’s life
Originally uploaded by kamphora

I love dogs. Talk about being real, they are as authentic as you can get. With just one sniff, they know your story. Dogs have an amazing gift for exemplifying unconditional love. My cockapoo got me through many a rough day growing up and the sweet hound currently in my heart, home and life has taught me volumes on how to be patient.

This leads me to share with you what I call my “doggie-style” indicator. Accuse me of bias, but I think women are more likely to outwardly exhibit their appreciation for the authentic, loving, playful attributes of dogs than men. When I notice a man really bonding and caring for a canine (or any other animal the way they deserve), it gives me an indication of a man’s heart. In contemplating love and partnership, only these types of men pass my initial “sniff test”. In other words brothas, if you ain’t got at least this, go fetch!

If you have an amazing man and/or pooch in your life, consider honoring them both this Father’s day in a very special way. Feed open-hearted father-figures, brothers, uncles, friends, and lovers the appreciation they deserve while providing tasty vittles for hounds, mutts, purebreds, and family pets galore. Here’s your opportunity: http://www.saveourpetsfoodbank.org/good-dad-honor-roll.php

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Filed under Expression, Natural Therapy